#Instalove participatory performance | Off the Record
11 July 2017, 10pm
This week on Off The Record: Catherine Duquette, artist of #Instalove, a participatory performance. It takes place at English Theater Berlin. A world premiere on July 6-8 and July 13-15 2017. A dating app shows the many selves of the artist. You make a choice. Which of her selves do you want? Which of you does she want? Who will she become with you? Who will you be with her?

#INSTALOVE at Off the Record on FluxFM
Catherine Duquette
Performance that does something, that encourages the public to get up on stage and take a meaningful risk, that creates a space for audiences to step out of unquestioned routines.
Why are you here?
I use this very question as a conversation-starter at parties, whereby I switch up the emphasis within a single group of people: Why are YOU here? WHY are you here? Why are you HERE? Why ARE you here? It’s a simple play on words that generates conversation among everyone in the group.
Where can we see/meet you next?
English Theatre Berlin, Thursday – Saturday, July 13, 14, 15 of 2017: http://www.etberlin.de/production/instalove/
We have amazing events lined up after every show – from BerlinGameScene.Com, Lovoo, Theaterscoutings, Bad Bruises and the House of Red Doors! You can also catch #Instalove at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year. Best places to follow my work: Twitter @catduquette and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/duquettecatherine
What else should we know about you?
I give workshops on interactive performance. I write for video games. I emcee and facilitate panels on storytelling, tech, and interactivity with VRnow, MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin, and more. I’m based in Berlin and London. I want to start a conversation with YOU.
Do you have an inside tip?
People are craving safe platforms where they can not only be honest about their wants but also be challenged to step out of themselves and shake off the myths and ideologies that hold them back from whatever it is they say they want. If you create the space, people respond.
Off The Record is hosted by Elizabeth Rushe and Chris Morrin. Catch the two hour English language show every Tuesday night (usually ..) from 10 p.m.!
On Off the Record, Elizabeth and Chris share their experience of living in Berlin, showcase new music from all genres, and highlight the best of Berlin’s creative community. Off the Record regularly features guests whether writers, film-makers, bands, or bakers, to share their stories.
Contact Off The Record at offtherecord@fluxfm.de or via their official Facebook-Fanpage!