5 Tipps für mehr Selbstliebe, Selbstakzeptanz und Body Positivity | Lizzomania
Sie ist die meistgespielte Künstlerin auf FluxFM, hat gerade unglaubliche acht Grammy-Nominierungen eingefahren und steht seit ihrem aktuellen Album Cuz I love You täglich in restlos ausverkauften Clubs. Niemand, wirklich niemand, kommt gerade an Melissa Viviane Jefferson aka Lizzo vorbei. Am 28. November 2019 startet auch noch ihr erster Kinofilm Hustlers an der Seite von JLo und Cardi B.
Höchste Zeit für eine Lizzomania – mit den Tipps von der Queen der Selbstliebe.
Hier gibts Queen Lizzos Tipps für mehr Selbstliebe zum Nachhören:
Punkt 5: It’s not a destination, it’s a journey!
That’s the first rule. A hundred percent of the population are conscious about their body, myself included. It happens every day. You’re going to feel some sort of insecurity or some sort of self-consciousness. It’s part of the human existence. It’s not wrong so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Punkt 4: Stop doing negative self-speak!
When you do something that is „wrong“ or you make a „mistake“ don’t call yourself stupid. I used to do that a lot. Actually I still do it but I also balance it out with compliments. You’re so smart, you deserve this or it’s okay. So if you’re gonna do negative self-speak that you’re in habit of, also learn how to do positive self-speak. It really works and if you can work it into your day, you’re on the right path.
Punkt 3: Treat yourself!
I think that if we are focussing on something that makes us insecure or self-conscious just distract your mind with something that makes you happy for the day because sometimes I can’t stop obsessing over a thing that makes me unhappy. So I just have to completely change my mind and trick my mind into something that makes me smile. Whether it is food or masturbation or watching television. Something to take your mind off of the fact that you’re obsessing over something. Because nine times out of ten, you’re the only one who sees it. Which brings me to my fourth advice.
Punkt 2: Only you see that infinitesimal thing you are obsessing over!
No one else sees it. Your body changes to you every single day. I looked in the mirror today and I was like „Eww, my booty looks flat“. I looked at myself in the mirror yesterday, I said „My booty looks big af“. Everything changes on us because it is perception and the way we perceive our bodies is for some odd reason weird and emotional. So it’s in flux. Give yourself patience and time with your body because it will change again to you and you will love it.
Punkt 1: Listen to Lizzo!
Cause my music makes you feel good!