Erlend Øye am 6. & 7. Juni 2018 im Funkhaus Berlin | Konzerte
Erlend Øye
6. & 7. Juni 2018, Einlass: 18:30 Uhr; Beginn: 20 Uhr
Info, Links, Tickets: Funkhaus Berlin
„Today I’m announcing 6 shows in Germany as Erlend Øye – Acoustic. I will be alone for parts of the shows, and be joined by other musicians for the rest. At the time of writing I’m in Santiago, Chile, as part of a Latin American tour with the same concept. By the time i reach Germany what I’m doing will have changed.
I can not describe exactly what the show will be like because … 4 months is a long time. A bit of context:
I have spent the last two years working on a new Kings of Convenience record. The songwriting part is done, but recording it has proved surprisingly difficult. The lack of progress and the lack of touring has left me … slightly depressed. So I have needed to take a break from that and get back on the road, to feel free, to communicate my current state of mind, so that i can eventually return to those songs with renewed energy. Preferably, before doing that I also have two solo albums to record. One in English and one in Italian. Songs that have politely queing for their time in the spotlight. This tour is a lot about those songs, performing them to get to know them better, but also about re-visiting my musical past. On the recent shows I’ve found back to The Power Of Not Knowing, a song from Declaration of Dependence (2009) that rarely got played much live, and it feels great to give that „orphan“ song a home again. Keep A Secret has returned to its boost-nova origins (written in Brazil in 2005). And constantly finding new ways to play the songs from Legao (2014). Leute, if you are curious about what I’m up to, come and see me in June. Best regards, Erlend Øye.“
Der Norweger schreibt seine Songs sowohl auf englisch als auch auf italienisch. Kennt ihr weitere Musiker*innen die ihre Werke bilingual gestalten? Schreibt euren Vorschlag in die Kommentarspalte und gewinnt mit etwas Glück ein paar Tickets. Die Kommentare werden moderiert, es kann also einen wenig dauern bis eure Antwort im Kommentarbereich auftaucht. Wir benachrichtigen die Gewinner*innen per Mail.
Viel Glück!
[Update: Alles verlost. Vielen Dank für’s Mitmachen!]
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